Rhino SR10 crashes in a quite specific siutuation, however very common for any technical workflow:
create a solid
make a cutout with another solid
create a clipping plane that interserct with the solid
create New Layout
make sure the clipping plane is active in the Layout
set Display Mode inside Detail to: Technical, Pen, Artistic or Monochrome
print from Layout using any PDF printer (Rhino/Microsoft/PDF24) using Vector Output
Rhino crashes just after typing “Print” command, after print dialog appears, but before it renders the preview.
I noticed that deleting Clipping Plane, leaving the solid uncarved, changing to any other Display Mode or changing to Raster Output makes it work. Additionally - Section Style Hatch Pattern doesn’t seem to work in a correct way, but it might be of another issue, since it crashes even without Section Stle Hatch Pattern set.
There was no such a problem in SR9. Unfortunately I have to go back to the previous version.
Please solve it ASAP, SR10 promises to fix visibility of occluded lines in Technical View, a functionality we all need!
Thank you for your analysis and the small file that we could post for the developer.
I was able to crash Rhino and generate a DMP for the developer.
This was actually the second report of the issue.
I am hoping that we will see a fix by next week in Sr11. (Any user can turn their Update and Statistics to Release candidate.)
But I will keep you posted on what the developer’s analysis is and how difficult is to fix.
If you email me tech@mcneel.com Attn Mary., when I test a “fix” I will not forget to let you know Asap.
set to Layout and then make sure Detail is set to Technical Display;
print to vector pdf;
We can clearly see that the preview is missing Section Hatch Patterns.
I have already uninstalled SR11 anw went back to SR9. As far as I remember one of the issues was (same with SR9) with some hidden lines showing even though I unchecked “show hidden lines” in Display Mode Options. However this is too much for me to explain right now, I would need much more time to explain it step by step.
Anyway, with all the problems connected to printing to vector I am sure you are able to see them and I hope it is of high priority to Developers.