Rhino on Linux?

Hold shift while doing RMB, that will go directly to the better context menu


Thank you.

Microsoft: Adding Disimprovements.


This is a good description of what they’re doing:

“Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification,”

American Dialect Society Announces the 2023 Word of the Year | Duke University Press News.

If I was in charge of McNeel right now, I’d hedge my bets by at least part time assigning someone to look into Linux as a future proofing strategy…

But there’s a new player in town too:

I don’t know… perhaps as with Blender, FreeCAD might take over in a decade and then live forever (since it’s open source). One can only hope, I guess.


For what it is worth we’re slowly working on getting core parts compiled on Linux. OpenNURBS and the very core already compile and are internally used to run tests.

That said, a usable GUI on Linux is not (yet) on the roadmap.


OH MY GOD ! ! !

it’s happening!!!

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I would suggest turning of the not-word filter…


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Seems he had increased the weighting for the yet-word filter though :laughing:


I probably should have added a question mark right after yet.


I totally don’t get it, what filter?

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They are joking.

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Not sure if I am supposed to answer or if you’re just in on the word play with don't where n't is the not.

But in case you’re not joking along:

I mentioned that part of Rhino code is compiling and running on Linux. But I also said that a GUI is not on the roadmap.

I thought it funny that it looked you ignored the not part :slight_smile:

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ok, get it now, thanks.

my thinking was that once the first step is done, then you guys might think like why not try the gui part as well. just the fact that something is happening here is already far more than I had expected. I am actually quite surprised by this move.

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I already did some building on Raspberry Pi 3 before there was Raspberry Pi 4 parts of Rhino in 2017/2018 or so I think. OpenNURBS specifically.

The other week I made code fixes to have rhino core compile on Ubuntu 20.04 (errors due to stupid X11 macros causing issues for the compiler).

But again, I don’t think that there is enough resources for working on a GUI just yet. I would like to work on such a project, but there’s only so many hours in a work day!


Yes, Mac OS X is UNIX-based.

And McNeel did a spectacularly good job of porting Rhino to Mac.

It looks and feels as though it were originally a Mac-only application: it really is that good!

And yet, Mac Rhino imports files from its Windows sister and from Windows-only Solidworks, seamlessly.

McNeel probably have their hands full with supporting two operating systems. And—since Apple started their own designs for the three nanometre chip process—for two kinds of processor to boot!

Mac OSX has a pedigree like no other. The bottom half is UNIX and is in the public domain. Mac OSX is probably the most-widely used UNIX-class version on the planet. Linux users would likely feel at home in the Command-line Terminal (though unneeded for Rhino) …


Oh c’mon, there are plenty more hours in a work night :wink:



Our work on Linux is only for internal testing purposes and to hopefully produce something akin to Rhino.Compute at some point in the future. There is absolutely no work being done on or planned for a version of Rhino with user interface.


When you chose your new GUI vendor as you did for Rhino 8, one would have hoped that you chose to use a package which was cross platform with Linux as well (or at least had it on the road map since Wayland might have thrown a wrench in previous cross platform GUI solutions…)?

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FWIW Eto.Forms runs on Linux.

But getting Rhino to run on Linux as a desktop app is more than just slapping on a GUI.

And again such a project is not planned, not on the roadmap.


What I’m hearing is that two out of three problems are already solved. :grimacing: :laughing:


Hi Steve, thanks for that information, sounds like an interesting development in its own right, looking forward to hearing more as things progress.
