Hi All, does anyone has a workaround to create wall openings for window and door using RIR & GH. In this project, I have an architectural model linked to a structural. The workflow is as below:
extract doors outline parameter(dimension) from properties in Architectural model
Then, create the opening for walls in Structural Model
the challenges I am facing is extracting window opening dimensions from properties panel (e.g. width,depth)
If that is solved, then the next is to create openings for walls at the same location of the doors. Currently on RIR, only shaft opening.
Since Wall openings can only be created as rectangles and sometimes we might want to create circular openings, I don’t use wall opening in those cases. Also openings can’t be scheduled and can’t associate custom parameters with them. So I create wall openings with a window family which only has wall opening in it and place them using Add Component By Location node. This way I can schedule and further analyze the openings. I don’t know whether if this answers your question.
Below definition finds the intersection between ducts and walls and places a windows family in the intersection as the size of opening. It might be a bit messy. But overall, it works just fine.
Thanks for your help! I can place the component manually but would have trouble aligning the elements since the opening family is circular.
the wall openings in 1.6 RC seems can only generate a rectangular one though
What is the typical workflow for placing Generic Model Voids to a Wall?
I am having issues with Placing Family Component by Face?
It’s a BEP requirement to place generic model face base family to walls.
Location - Requires to be a plane on the face of the wall? or can it just be a point on the wall?
Host - Is a host always required? For placing Face base Wall Generic Void Components?
Thinking it might be best to just not use face base components?
you can do this way: take out walls line with “Analyze Wall Location Curve”, then from your input list of points, find the closest curve and you have the plane for “Location” parameter of Add Component.