Rhino.Inside - Add Room - Could not obtain valid UV point from circuit


using Rhino.Inside, I am opening a dwg file in Rhino and converting the line work to Room Separators and then Add Room with Grasshopper. Unfortunately I come across the error: “RevitAPI: Could not obtain valid UV point in this project from circuit”.

Surprisingly, the script runs well if I run it into the “rac_basic_sample_project” but I get the error if I run it into the “rac_advanced_sample_project”. I also get the error in our company Revit template. I can’t figure out what is the difference.

cb0301pp.3dm (667.2 KB)
McNeel_CreateRooms_BASIC.gh (25.8 KB)
McNeel_CreateRooms_ADVANCED.gh (22.3 KB)

Users reporting the same issue have suggested two workarounds: adding the Phase to the Add Room component and making sure that lines don’t overlap. Both workarounds have been taken care of but it is still not working.
I have attached the script and the Rhino file(line work). The scripts for basic and advanced are exactly the same but just changed the View Name and Phase.

If you run it in the Basic sample, make sure to turn off Crop View in Level 1
If you run it in the Advanced sample, make sure to turn on the category Model Line / Room Separator

Any help much appreciated as I am stuck.

BTW this is what it looks like in the advanced sample:

The room separators are working but no rooms.

This is a tricky one, the error wording isn’t super helpful, you can get the same error with improper phasing but i think this one is related to geometry.

Note that this room bounding has a few errors, a short line and a small jog in the top left area.

creating a simple box for each area works fine,

then replacing with the your bounding then kind of works.

I suspect some of the Separation Lines are causing error (overlapping, internal,…)

Thank you very much Japhy!

I thought this was an issue with Rhino.Inside.Revit but you were right to suspect the geometry.

Before processing the curves I now explode them, delete the short segments and rebuild the polylines using only the starting points of each segment to make sure every thing is connected and closed properly.

All working OK now!

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