Rhino exports as .svg but what is needed as I cant find that option

I am reading on the www that Rhino V5 can now export as .svg

Whaaat? Great that Rhino finally has SVG export! I have been awaiting this feature for like 13 years.
in thread:-

I google this and get:-

I select my curves and go file export but no .svg option exists.
I cant see mention of how its been added.

What is needed and how do we install it ?



Rhino 6 or above is needed


Hi, Thanks,
thats me scuppered. Had been trying to save up for fixing kitchen floor and getting V6, but a finance company decided to put up to the credit ref agencies the grand total of what I owe on ‘just bought’ white goods that failed, inc 100% interest normally payable if only one doesnt pay a penny over 12 months, so nuking my plans for credit card balance transfer, so now to fix that I have had to use my savings instead to pay them off., then wait a month for them to remove it.
back to gameboard square 1 again.


Steve, Evaluation V6 ?

Hi @Steve1, Have you tried printing as vector .pdf from a layout and opening it in affinity designer. It works here.

It is not the perfect solution, it doesn’t retain layers, but it can work.

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You could have said even more with Adobe Indesign, or even others Adobe softwares (until latest versions I think) which is supposedly more “web” friendly than Rhino.
Until now to save as SVG? no problem, I save as AI. Illustrator does the rest. No big deal.

He doesn’t have Illustrator, that’s why he is looking for alternatives. Affinity designer does not support old Ai version ( pre PDF support) and that’s the only supported Ai export from Rhino.

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Hi José, I understand you but honestly the AI export (wich has been improved in V6 [ small circles patatoid forms corrected and curves, that might worth to be updated for V5 users as well ] is widely enough for me.
This old AI export shows layers, and that is already something to me.
We are out of CAD considerations at time of saving as SVG.