Hi there, I have recently bought an older Lenovo Thinkstation with two 8-core Xeon E5-2648L (1.8ghz). The maschine runs very smootly untill I hit render. The rendering process has many abrupt pauses. Frequently vray pauses and rhino crashes. This is an nightmare. Anyone has had a similliar problem?
Have you updated V-Ray to the latest version? There have been three service releases that fixed many of these bugs, but some people are not aware unless they subscribe to the Chaos newsletter.
Hi and thanks for a quick reply,
I have Vray for Rhino EDU license and have installed the latest release 2.00.25962
Do you think EDU releases differ from the comercial ? I somehow wonder if the frequency of many cores may be too low 1.8 ghz. On my other pc with 4core i7 @ 2.6 ghz I do not have the same problem.
On the other hand I have laptop with 4corei7 @ 1.6 and worked just fine. It bugs my mind really.
It seems like I did find the problem. As I mentioned my individual cores are quite small, only 1.8 Ghz. Since Rhino is allegedly one thread app, added hyperthreading it has only 900 MHz at its disposal. Since I disabled intel´s hyperthreading ( with 16 physical cores I doubt its necessity) the problem went away and Rhino hasn´t crashed while rendering in vray ever since. Rhino freezes during rendering occasionally though, but only for about 2 seconds and than continues rendering.
I guess it is better to have less but stronger cores.
Update guys, it was not hyperthreading but the graphic card quadro 4000 which was running at around 90 degrees. After I put in firepro w5000 the crashing went away and the gpu temperature droped from 90 to 50 degrees during rendering. cheers