Instant Aliases and THIS:
Im spec’ing up a new workstation now and this is going on the wish list!
Instant Aliases and THIS:
Im spec’ing up a new workstation now and this is going on the wish list!
regarding pressing single keys - and selecting commandline options
there is an old topic of mine:
and a newer one addressing a single command subdcreases
it would be great if the the linkage between optionname and key was consitent.
and as written in above topic
instead of
c (cap)
o (copy)
r (cornerstyle)
I would love to see
c (cap)
cc (copy)
ccc (cornerstyle)
…press the key multiple times if more then one option starts with “c” for example.
How would users discover this?
I updated the older post with a new fancy visualisation… to keep things separated:
This is an awesome idea!
With regards to changing in-command options, I think it should work such that you hold a key for a timer (e.g. 220 ms) if you go over this threshold, the fist typed key registers and is able to trigger the option associated to the underline. I think this works best, because this allows you to type multiple keys for an (instant alias) to change commands. In addition, it prevents accidental option changes and when you type with a regular speed, you won’t be holding down the key beyond this threshold. And finally, it interrupts regular aliases the least.
I am in the process of setting up a custom Rhino interface where the icons and commands are reorganized so that each command or icon appears only once. Additionally, I’ve assigned aliases for each command that can be accessed via various types of numpads.
When I import a .txt file with aliases, it works seamlessly in both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8, regardless of the number of aliases.
In Rhino 9, with the introduction of Instant Aliases, importing the same .txt file initially works fine. However, when attempting to open “Options > Aliases” afterward, the program crashes. While I haven’t identified the exact threshold, it seems that somewhere between 500–1000 aliases triggers this crash.
Rhino Aliases 1136 Test.txt (28.7 KB)
Additional Suggested Improvements for Aliases
Shift-Selection for Multiple Aliases:
It would be slightly more helpful to use the Shift key to select and manage multiple aliases at once, rather than handling them individually.
Instant Aliases Value – Export/Import:
If aliases could be exported and imported along with their preselected “instant” values, this would allow for backing up even your instant settings. (As long as it does not interfere with compatibility in R7 and R8.)
CSV/XLS Format Support:
Allowing export/import in CSV or XLS format would make it more convenient to manage and edit aliases compared to the current .txt format.
Hi @Ja-Ka ,
Based on some of your descriptions of issues of crashing and multi-shift selection it sounds like you might be on an older v9 WIP. Can you update your WIP and check to see if you’re still experiencing these issues?
I’ll create a ticket request for supporting csv and check state option. RH-85207
I am on latest 11 Dec R9.
And you cant shift select multiple aliases or press ctrl + A to select all?
You should also be able to Shift + Left Click the Instant +/- column header to toggle all on/off.
Hi Travis,
Thank you for taking the time to look into this. After seeing your screen drop and realizing the issue wasn’t reproducible in R9, I decided to do a clean install of W10 and Rhino.
What can I say… Problem solved!
Ahh yes, the big hammer method! Glad that got it sorted lol
I do notice some performance loading slowness issues once you import your txt file and then close and reopen the list. So if anything I’d like to look into that.
Hi Travis
The crashes have started again, even after the big hammer method!
I have a 55-inch 8K monitor connected to an RTX 3080 (10GB) and a 16-inch 2K Huion drawing board to a GTX 970.
After searching in different directions, I discovered that if I reduce the resolution of the main 8K display to 4K, the crashes stop. The commands work fine in both 4K and 8K resolutions, but the issue occurs when trying to access the Aliases sub-menu.
In 8K resolution, the software crashes about 5 seconds after I enter the menu. In 4K resolution, it takes about 6 seconds to load the aliases sub-menu, but it opens without crashing.
Crash report
RhinoDotNetCrash.txt (888 Bytes)
@Ja-Ka just returning from holiday, but I’ll take a look at this this week and see why your window size is reporting negative values.
Do you notice any other pages that crash at these resolutions? Sounds like a good excuse for me to get an 8k monitor lol =)
I’ve been running this setup for a couple of years now, and as far as I know, I haven’t experienced any issues, slowness, or crashes in R7, R8, or R9 related to 8K—except for the current one. I might be wrong, but in my experience, it seems to slow down the PC in other resolutions too; it’s just that 8K puts more strain on the system.
Go for it! 8K does make a pretty crisp and sharp picture. One of the major benefits is getting rid of bezels in the middle. Another one is that you get high rez screen drops like never before.
All my instant aliases are unchecked when I perform an _OptionsImport
. Since aliases/macros are saved, could the state of the instant aliases also be included in the file when doing an _OptionsExport
Hey AMG,
This should work. Make sure you’re using the latest wip.
You may need to reexport your options file from the WIP once you have it configured if you’re trying to use an OptionsImport from older versions of Rhino where this data didn’t exist.
Hello everyone,
I’m a modest sketchup user trying to begin with rhino and I was thinking, because people are still talking about ms delay implementations, and maybe it has been said before if so I apologize for that, but maybe the simplest way would be just to use the spacebar (or any choosen modifier) to go from a classic sketchup mode (one letter = one command, use the aliases you want), no need to confirm just press the key. And if you want to go back to classic input mode, press spacebar again! Simple. And if you press enter key it repeat the last command as usual
Have a nice day