Will Rhino 8 include an IPad version? This would be amazing with new sketching features!
Hi Nate - no.
I just ordered this adapter to be able to sketch on Zoom calls and try the Rhino sketch thing:
I’ll report back on how it works.
you can mirror an ipad to a mac without that…
I wish y’all would consider devoting some development resources to the defunct iRhino3D app. There is so much presentation potential there, especially with the addition of Snapshots.
As always it is at least partly a matter iof resources - I am pretty sure #1 resource @dan has more useful information than I do…
This is something Dan and I chat about every few months. We have a few new developers on staff and we do hope this will free up some resources for viewer related work. We’ll see; there are a lot of things to work on.
Adobe Illustrator could use a good CAD plugin. Rhino would be perfect. Would also be a great way to introduce additional customers to Rhino. Currently HotDoors CadTools is the only contender.
True, sorry I missed the Mac part. In fact this is only needed for PCs.