Rhino 8 struggling with very basic (boolean) split operations

Hi there,

I am reworking a client file in order to 3D print a model. I have managed to create closed poly surfaces with 0 naked edges and 0 manifold edges. The poly surfaces are relatively simple (architectural model, mainly rectangular surfaces) yet when I try to split part of the model, using a planar surface with boolean split, it only fails the operation. Not just the way I want it, on the corners, but also simpler splits.

I then tried exploding the model and trying a split operation instead. Now it shows there several surfaces that refuse to be split. Again, very simple surfaces, yet boolean split, split or splitface will only fail.

What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

Please post the file as well. Thanks!


Split_fail.3dm (2.7 MB)

In order for something to be split there has to be an intersection and that intersection curve has to be able to split an object into at least 2 pieces. In your picture the intersection is probably there but it doesn’t split anything into pieces.

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Oh that makes a lot of sense since the surfaces that fail to split are connected to both ends of the split. I think that explains it, thanks!

Hi, if the above is a solution, what must he do, (in…´command steps) to obtain “hes desired result” ? I It seem, he understod… but I didn´t… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t know what is the desired result.

I was just explaining that all you have to do is look at the picture to determine that the command he was trying to use was certain to fail. You need an intersection that completely divides the object into at least 2 parts to split it.

Is your question, What can be done when you have an incomplete intersection that can’t be used for splitting?
One thing you can do without modifying the geometry of the object being split and/or changing the cutting object is to extend the intersection curve so that it completely cuts across the object or objects that you want to split. In this case, it looks like both surfaces are planar so the intersection will be a line and if that line is extended it will split both surfaces.

In more general terms, in some way you have to make the intersection curve completely cut the surface so that the result after splitting is at least 2 parts. ExtendCrvOnSrf, InterpCrvOnSrf or just drawing a curve and using Pull command are some of the ways to so that.

In this case it may look like the white surface should split the green one…

The problem is that creating a split in the green in that one place doesn’t divide the green into two pieces. It would just leave the green object as one piece with bad boundary construction.

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OK. Understood.Thanks. Have a nice day :slightly_smiling_face: