Version 8 (8.3.24009.15002, 2024-01-09)
I don’t know exactly what triggers this bug, but periodically Rhino starts executing the wrong command when I select one from the history submenu in the contextual menu. Once triggered, it seems to persist for a while. The problem can spontaneously resolve at some point. Again, I don’t know exactly how to untrigger the problem.
It seems that most commonly I get an erroneous “paste” operation. It might be the case that Rhino is executing a command from a different position in the history submenu than the one I actually selected, but it’s not yet clear to me what the pattern is.
I will add more information if/when I can determine what triggers it.
It appears to be the exact same bug that was reported 3 years ago in Rhino 7 Mac by user ‘uvi’ here: Latest commands from contextual menu - Denied