Rhino 8 Development

here you go:

face moves.3dm (1.0 MB)


Not really, at least not where I’m local (that’s the software we moved from). :slight_smile:

EDIT: Catia never made sense to me. Fucking weird program, but I’m used to Alias. NX instantly clicked. Way more structured and thus intuitive. If McNeel implements any of the many tools its missing, it’s going to be interesting to see how they end up designing them, because they’re dangerously inconsistent as well in some places…

To be honest, I don’t really know the pricing structrure of Catia.
I think the issue is that you can get so many different versions of it, that a comparison to competitor’s software is quite difficult and highly depends on the specific scenario.
The only thing that I always heard when the talk came to Catia, is that a full seat with all the bells and whistles is “crazy expensive”, whatever that really means :grinning:
Hence my flippant comment, despite my factual ignorance.

Have you ever thought that maybe McNeel has other strategies for his software? Many things that we would like could be achieved but, perhaps, they are interested in doing something else.
We also think about this aspect.

For example, if McNeel is not interested in developing parametric tools within Rhino, it is useless for us to make requests or guesses, etc.
If they are not interested in having crazy fillets, it is useless for us to break their heads by stressing them with various requests and desires.
When they want (if they want) they manage in a short time to create exceptional tools, as happened for the SubDs, already good and functional, developed in a short time.

Catia costs a lot because it is made up of dozens of work environments, many tools for every need; it is a complete software. Rhino only does Nurbs surface modeling (with a few nice additions). I think making comparisons is ignorant!
I don’t think a single Catia module costs 10,000 $, the equivalent of Rhino.
Catia is a professional software, so much so that the most important studios and designers of cars, airplanes, etc. use it everywhere.
Rhino is semi-professional, more user friendly software. These are useless comparisons …

Right … back to topic

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Since I have access to these fancy toys I imported your example…

(Didn’t really see the difference in the last two, so I had some fun with them instead. Resize blend is pure magic, especially on imported parts, but I think limited to G1… haven’t tried G2 yet. Replace face I use like literally 20 times a day.)

But honestly, I don’t ever expect McNeel to implement these tools, especially not in Rhino 8.


Why it takes so much time to activate each command? I’d go crazy for my impatience and my modeling pace.

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Yeah, that’s not great. We’re not sure if it’s a software or hardware issue, but some of us are seeing it (not always, but of course, every time for the video recording). I’m currently on an old cowboy-built PC that’s used for VR development while waiting for the A6000 to become available before upgrading.

EDIT: Support assisted me in finding an “officially approved” laptop, and I’m happy to report that the delay is completely gone for me (a coworker still has a huge delay only on pressing cancel, so yeah, it seems really picky on hardware).

Boolean operations with a history tree would be great. Maybe in a different command, then you can choose if you want to use it or not so it doesn’t increase processing time between operations if not needed.

I do. It’s time.


When is it time for a new block manager? :slight_smile:




I would guess considering where Rhino sits in.i.e. an typical architects toolchain(90%+ of the work happens elsewhere), i doubt many clients would pay anthing close to a 6K subscription.

can it do this with deg 3 geometry? this is all deg 1, 2…

I was thinking the same thing…I had a mini stroke watching the clock spin each time…


All direct modeling is very successful in degree 1 & 2 (NX Synchronous, Spaceclaim, Fusion…). It never really works in degree 3. Same thing for all their editing/removal of fillets: Awesome, for very very simple topology.

I’d love to have the same level of ‘low expectations tools’ in Rhino. It would be extremely useful for most of the mechanical work, internal components, blocking things out, etc.



In the meantime it would be good if Rhino reported back during solid edits whenever it increases density or degree of one or morge of the surfaces. Currently doing these edits without having isocurves visible, it is easy to miss cases where Rhino has totally messed up the result. Btw: even in the examples I quickly made there is one bad object and one impossible object with inverted normals but Rhino did not complain about these either.

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I totally agree. Right know direct editing is mostly a model destroyer, and it does it very quietly. Not cool.

The ability to search the options panel, as mentioned here.