All points, including control points and edit points are white, regardless of layer color. There is no difference between selected and unselected control points and edit points - they have the same size and color. Selected points made with the Points command are bigger that unselected points, but they are white.
Hi Andrew -
Points, control points, and edit points on a layer that is red, some of which are selected:
My points were set to “round with white center” and “square with white center.” Their size was 3. There were two causes of the problem: my poor eyesight (probably due to old age) and very narrow color outline of the points. As you can see in the following screenshots, the color outline is very narrow at size 17. At size 3 the color outline and the size difference are almost invisible. I have strong suggestion: increase the thickness of the color outline so that its area is as big as the white center area. (Control point settings are hidden in Options>View>DisplayMode>Objects. In my opinion, they should be inside Points.)
I have just discovered the purpose of “PointCloud control points.” When the control points are turned on, individual points can be moved and deleted.