Control point 'fill' color option?

I’m seeking option to choose custom color for control point color.

I really like the new option for making them round. I used to have to use a script or something for that in V5 lol.

But color options, I’m having hard time finding…

I guess “layer color” does the outline… :confused:

:thinking: :thought_balloon:

:face_with_monocle: :thinking: hmmm maybe I’ll try solid and layer color :face_holding_back_tears:

yeah not seeing any discernable effect from that though…

not seeing “control point” related options…

not sure what this is:

getting warmer:

I’ll try the solid option, but I suspect the points will look flat or less 3D.

not seeing option to thicken the dotted lines either :expressionless:

maybe there’s secret codes.

Looks like can’t change gumball origin color either:

:sleepy: bbl lunch time. :burrito:

I need ta eto frramework opennurbs Rhino’s gui

I noticed that regardless of the color, the removeknot interface makes them black:

I think it would be cool if the points looked more spherical instead of like polkadots.

there was a test command as far as i remember.

there is indeed something wrong here and i also noticed before but i had no time to realise. setting to solid circle has no effect, neither points nor control points get filled but display with a white center.

i guess its a regression, in v7 that still works with filled.

edit: i found a youtrack number it has been discussed recently 83416

seems to work fine here on both Mac and Win

which version are you using?

I thought we were talking about control points here, not point clouds.

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seemed related enough since there is an issue already with 2 more people complaining maybe there is something wrong in general. does point cloud exhibit this problem for you?

Pointcloud doesn’t work, no. In fact colored point clouds are currently broken in 8.12 I just noticed.
RH-84131 Pointclouds don’t display

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omg… my bad i was ill 3 weeks and it seems my brain is not functioning, i changed settings for wireframe being in shaded mode wondering why nothing changed, everything works as expected so far.

but now i understand the OP´s request, there indeed is no option to set custom colours for points and control points, though you can set custom colours for curves and surfaces. i think it would make sense, because why curves and surfaces and no points?

edit: wait a second, the plot thickens, for control points you can actually change the colour, but its under control polygon.

though still no option for points.

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:open_mouth: :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

Just noticed if I use solid line I can change thickness but if I use dotted line I can’t :sleepy:

It’s peculiar how the dotted lines seem to be exactly the same as the buggy ones used for technical hidden lines display feature.

*hidden lines, dotted lines would like an upgrade. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

guess I’ll try solid lines for now. :confused:

little spheres and some dashed lines would look pretty sweet, just sayin’