there is indeed something wrong here and i also noticed before but i had no time to realise. setting to solid circle has no effect, neither points nor control points get filled but display with a white center.
i guess its a regression, in v7 that still works with filled.
edit: i found a youtrack number it has been discussed recently 83416
seemed related enough since there is an issue already with 2 more people complaining maybe there is something wrong in general. does point cloud exhibit this problem for you?
omg… my bad i was ill 3 weeks and it seems my brain is not functioning, i changed settings for wireframe being in shaded mode wondering why nothing changed, everything works as expected so far.
but now i understand the OP´s request, there indeed is no option to set custom colours for points and control points, though you can set custom colours for curves and surfaces. i think it would make sense, because why curves and surfaces and no points?
edit: wait a second, the plot thickens, for control points you can actually change the colour, but its under control polygon.