I found the problem… Fix will be in the next 8.x WIP… (some time tomorrow).
Thanks for reporting this!
I found the problem… Fix will be in the next 8.x WIP… (some time tomorrow).
Thanks for reporting this!
To this just plain user this terminology is confusing. For me WIP is 9.x and 8.x RC’s come out on tuesday.
I would also like to add that I have the feeling that objects in RH8 look shaper/beter/cleaner then in RH7.
This of course is nice when work in small drawings. But when working in bigger drawings this will bring performance issue’s. I wouldn’t mind (just like in games) a worse video/display quality but keeping a high performance.
I don’t know if this kind of mechanism could be build for Rhino but I think it could improve performance.
Thnx Jeff,
Looking forward to this!
With the model I tested it with for the YT, speed has gone up from 1 fps to 12.6 fps. @Martijn if you want I can send you the daily build to test this out in pm
Sure, lets do it!
Were back baby! This works great.
Let me run the same tests as before:
That one step file:
With blocks:
With Isocurves:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 10.66 seconds. (9.38 FPS)
Without Isocurves:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 8.89 seconds. (11.25 FPS)
Without Isocurves and without edges:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 7.50 seconds. (13.33 FPS)
After _ExplodeBlock
With Isocurves:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 8.08 seconds. (12.38 FPS)
Without Isocurves:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 4.62 seconds. (21.62 FPS)
Without Isocurves and without edges:
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 4.62 seconds. (21.62 FPS)
Definitely a lot better. Only big change is without block and isocurves.
For now my problem has been solved!
RH-83267 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 11 Release Candidate