Rhino 7 render: Cut out Decals by color mask, how?


is there still a way to cut out surface areas by decal transparency?

Where is the cut out option?



Such a feature does not exist for decals.

Instead use planar mapping on that object and apply the image as a texture on a material and assign that material to that (sub)object.

tube_box.3dm (4.0 MB)

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Hi Nathan,

thanks a lot.

Decals had an cut out/transparent option in the Flamingo render in the past.

Will you add this for Decals as well?



I doubt this will be a feature for decals, since they are supposed to be only an addition to the basecolor (essentially). @andy, is this something you’d consider? I personally think it’d cause only trouble to no end with conflicting settings between materials and decals.