Rhino 7 on Paperspace (VDI)

Hey @brian @will
I was trying to get Rhino 7 to work on my Paperspace virtual machine (which is operating on Windows 10), but I keep getting the ‘Rhino is not supported on Windows Server’ error.
I was wondering if this was an installation error on my part, or if Rhino 7 is simply not compatible with Paperspace machines?

  • Mel

Hi Mel.

It ia indeed related to paperspace running on Windows Servers
Does this page provide enough insight:

@Willem They advertise Windows 10 machines. Is this not the case? I’m spinning one up right now…

“Running as Windows Server 2019 in desktop mode”


@melindac, to run Rhino interactively on Windows Server, it must be running in a remote session. Paperspace uses their own remote connection protocol and Rhino can’t detect that it’s running in a remote session. You will be able to run Rhino if you use RDP instead (I’ve tested it myself).

It worked! Thank you so much!

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I know it has been a while, but care to elaborate on how you got it to work? I still get the ‘Rhino is not supported on Windows Server’ error…Even with using teamviewer as RDP…Thanks!

Seconded! I’d very much like to know how to get Rhino to work on a Paperclip VM.

@will can you please help?

Hi all, I got this to work (quite well, actually), so here are some instructions:

  • create a machine on paperspace (one of the windows 10/ server 2022 machines)
  • create a public IP for it (tab Public IPs → claim) and link it with your machine (assign)
  • copy the IP and use it to connect to the machine via Windows Remote Desktop Connection
  • password you can get through the password tool (here). So you will have to login into a machine through the paperspace interface once to get the password.

When logged in through RDC, you should be able to install and run Rhino.

I’m quite happy with performance. Only thing is that I’m in Europe and currently working with a machine in the US so there is a bit of lag. Will switch soon.

Hope this helps!


@Terribel thank you so much for the detailed description! Alas, Windows rejected my RDC password at the last bullet. Is there any chance you could post a video walkthrough of this process? Alternatively, I would be happy to pay handsomely for a five minute Zoom walkthrough!

For all the advice I’ve already gotten from the great community here, I’m glad to be able to help someone once in a while. But I appreciate the offer.

It’s been an while since I’ve used it, but still seems to work well…Have you tried creating a new password with the tool (you have to launch a machine through the paperspace app in order to do so)? Is the machine turned on (through paperspace app or via the website)? Did you use the credentials correctly?

The computer field is the public IP I’ve made and assigned a pc to in the steps outlined above.
Note that the computer is off in the screenshot above…

Let me know, if it still doesn’t work I’ll make a short video.


@Terribel Alas, I must take you up on your offer. Any chance you could make a video? Getting the correct username for the RDC login seems to be what’s throwing me off.

(FWIW, I adapted my Paperspace ID to make a username with the same syntax as yours, i.e. PaperspaceID\paperspace, but that was not successful)