RHINO 7 license error

Hello, my Rhino 7 Student has been stopped working on my laptop for a while, and I haven’t been figured out yet. After open Rhino 7 Student up, it’s keep asking me to login, but after I login it show up this error. By the way, I use the same license on one of my PC and my laptop. PLEASE HELP!

My first step would be to use the Control Panel > Programs and Features tool, to do a “Repair” on Rhino 7.

Any luck?

Nope, btw i been trying to fix this with you guys months ago, but it haven’t seems to working yet.

My next option would be:

  1. Use your Windows file Explorer and browse to:
    2.%appdata%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\License Manager\Licenses
    There will probably be 3 or 4 files in the folder

  2. Delete everything in that folder

  3. Browse to:
    5.%programdata%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\License Manager\Licenses
    There will probably be only 1 file in that folder

  4. Delete everything in that folder

  5. Start Rhino and login again

Any luck?