"License not found, rhino will now exit" when logging into my account

Hi! I am having an issue where, when I start up rhino for the first time on my windows, Rhino redirects me to login to my account and asks me to grant permission, when clicking “allow” an new window pops up saying to go back to rhino. At this moment I get a new rhino pop up saying “license not found, rhino will now exit” even though I have a license live and this was found earlier in the authentication process. Any ideas as to why this is not working? I am using my account both on my mac and windows (not at the same time), on the mac it works.


Hi David,

Welcome to the forum!

For licensing issues you need to contact sales@mcneel.com to get them sorted.


Thanks! I’ll try that.

did you solve the problem? i have the problem either!

Are you having trouble with V6 or V7?
The fix is easy but the steps for each version are a little different.

hi John, i am having trouble with V6.


Try this please:

  1. Use your Windows file Explorer and browse to:
    2.*%appdata%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\License Manager\Licenses**

  2. Delete everything in that folder

  3. Browse to:
    5.*%programdata%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\License Manager\Licenses**

  4. Delete everything in that folder

  5. Start Rhino and login again

Any luck?

Job done, awesome!

A post was split to a new topic: V8 Beta can’t get a license