Rhino 6 Wishlist?


Does any body know of an official Rhino Wishlist that I could add a few too?


Right here is a good place to post wishes. That way you can have direct feedback from other users.

Else, you could add things here:

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Thanks, I’ll do so here but each in a separate topic as I remember them…

Wish item for Rhino6
Regarding ‘Surface Corner Points’ command and ‘Mesh 3d face command’. After imputing 3 points, please provide a command line option for the 4th input point to be co-planer with the first three input points.

Assuming the first three points are coplanar with the CPlane in the current viewport, than this is what the “Planar” option in the Osnap toolbar does.

If the first three points are not coplanar to the CPlane in the current viewport, is the request to cook up a temporary CPlane defined by the other three points, on the fly, just for the last pick?

It sounds like something that could be handled in a script.

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Agreed, there are several ways to do this by changing the cplane (and using ‘project’) or scripting or grasshopper. It just seems like a fundamental option that should be readily accessible each time a corner points surface (or 3d Face) is created but without having to change the cplane or using a script. It just seems fundamental. Rhino is always good about remaining fundamental.

And the 3 point plane won’t do what you need?

Just trying to clarify this -

You want to be able to start creating a 3D face (or polyline or planar surface) that is an arbitrary, non-rectangular shape by first clicking 3 points to determine a plane and then constraining the fourth point to that plane - even if it means that when you snap to something, the last corner created will actually be a planar projection of the snapped point and not guaranteed to correspond to the actual snap point? Is that it?


Hi Stan
Try this attached phyton script
PolylinePiano3punti.py (2.0 KB)

Yes Mitch, you said it brilliantly,
John, thanks for your suggestion of using ‘planar’, maybe I don’t think to utilize ‘planar’ enough.

If I have Planar on. Then start surface corner points command. I use osnaps to pick first three points on existing geometry. Then for the fourth point I pick out in space at a random point, It does not place the fourth point in the same plane as the first three points. I would have expected this to work. Any suggestions why not?

OK I get it. the plane is determined by the first point selected and parallel to the cplane of the viewport where I selected the first point. This is not what I am offering as an addition to the wish list. Mitch said it best.

Yes, planar will not do what you want, as it’s always parallel to the active CPlane and object snaps override it. Currently there are only scripted solutions, Vittorio’s offering is a start in the direction of doing what you want, and can probably be adapted to what you want.


I have another request for the wishlist.

I would like to be able to hide selected edges in details within Layout. Sometimes the surface edge lines add a lot of confusion within draughting as unwanted lines can very easily be misinterpreted. I am aware that other software has the function.

Planar should set the Z CPlane coordinate to the same Z as the last point

[quote="Paleblue, post:14, topic:19800"]

I would like to be able to hide selected edges in details within Layout. Sometimes the surface edge lines add a lot of confusion within draughting as unwanted lines can very easily be misinterpreted. I am aware that other software has the function.

Is this currently a function or would it be possible to add to Rhino 6?

Oh well then. Could we please save at least part of the undo history? So If I open a file I can still undo some of the operations before I closed it last time?
That would be really great!

You can hide tangent edges in V6.

Ability to create a heatmap of heavy geometry that is slowing my model down, would be a lifesaver


Hi Tyler - just in case it helps for now, here’s a quick&dirty Python script that will mark the largest (in terms of memory estimate of the object itself) objects in the current file. Objects must be selectable (this can be changed to consider hidden and locked objects but right now it does not). Surfaces, polysurfaces, extrusions, meshes and pointclouds are checked…

I can imagine the render meshes of the objects might also be worth considering, but right now just the memory estimate for the objects.

Use RunPythonScript to test…

FindLargestObjects.py (1.3 KB)
