Rhino 6,7 and 8 wip can't open a DWG files

Hello everyone
recently we can’t open two Autentic (dwg file).
do you have already meet this Bug with a dwg files?

when we openthe dwg file, Rhino draw a black screen and a show waiting mouse


Hey. Did you already try to open a different DWG file to make sure the problem isn’t your file?

If all three versions of Rhino seem to refuse to open a DWG file, then most likely it is the file, not Rhino’s DWG import function.

One of several things could be happening - for example the dwg might have some elements that Rhino is having a difficult time calculating the display for, hence the black screen.

Try exporting some drawn curves or whatever as a dwg from Rhino, then re-importing it. If that works, then the problem is not with the dwg import, it is likely file-related.

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Yes we have.
we have the probleme only with 2 autentic dwg files, genereted by an autentic Autodesk software.

If you can’t post one of the DWG files here for someone to test, you can upload it confidentially to tech support here: Rhino - Upload to Support

Ok thanks, I try to upload this file whit the boss autaurization :slight_smile:
however the file is corecctly opening with autodesk viewer so we “think that file is good”.

That doesn’t really mean anything with respect to Rhino importing it - it could have some elements that AutoCAD can read but Rhino can’t. Another thing is - how long did you wait? Did you check to see if Rhino is still trying to do something in Task Manager? Are the files huge? Do they contain only curves, or are there other elements such as surfaces, etc? Some things like a lot of curves with linetypes that are extremely fine or very fine hatches can also make Rhino slow down or hang.

So We have send a exempls file at the Mcneel team.
for the impossible open file whit rhino 6,7 and 8, the file size is >300Mo and I’m whaitin more than 30minutes.
my boss told me, ther is also file didn’t open with rhino 7 but correctly openning with rhino 6 and 8 !
this fil size is 2 Mo

Thanks for your response

What happens when you download and install the ODA (Open Design Alliance) viewer? Can that open the files properly? If yes then Rhino should probably be able to open the file but might be stumbling on something inside that file or just needs a very long time.
ODA creates the libraries that a lot of CAD programs use to be able to read/write dwg/dxf files.

ODA Viewer

Alternatively you could use the ODA converter to save the dwg file to a different version, including an audit to fix possible errors.
ODA Converter

We’ve received a sample. Rhino 8 opens it instantly and I’ve had Rhino 7 trying for over 12 hours now.
I need to find out where this broke in Rhino 7…

thanks for information.

If yes then Rhino should probably be able to open the file but might be stumbling on something inside that file or just needs a very long time.

Yes I have open the dwg(>300MB) file successful but only with rhino v6 or v8 (not v7) and lots of time.
So The Mcneel team as told me that file as sending to developper liste bug team

Very thanks Wim

Rhino cannot use Autodesk’s RealDWG because AU disallows it. So being able to open the file in any AU software means nothing for Rhino’s import functionality.

Hi -
This appears to have been an issue in Rhino 7 from the start.
Opening the DWG file in Rhino 8 on macOS crashes Rhino.
On the list as RH-70507 File IO: Reading DWG file hangs/crashes Rhino

The reason only Autodesk can use RealDWG is because it is trademarked so that no one else can use it to make their DWG file look as if it was created by Autodesk software. All RealDWG does is claim that the DWG file was created with AutoCAD or one of its verticals and upon checking for the RealDWG label in the header “warn” for possible file compatibility issues if the file has been created or saved in a non-Autodesk CAD program.

It does in no way prevent opening/importing DWG files created with Autodesk software in any other CAD program that is capable of reading/importing the DWG file version. What may happen is that there may be objects that e.g. Rhino is trying to process but can’t for some reason.

I’ve even had an AutoCAD vertical not being able to open a RealDWG file created by another AutoCAD vertical, and not even with the same AutoCAD vertical version and release as the one used to create the file. In the end only AutoCAD LT or a non-AutoCAD dwg based CAD program could open that file because those ones ignored the object(s) that the “higher up/more sophisticated” verticals were trying to process but crashed on. So much for the file being a RealDWG file.

Not really. Company can buy licenses of RealDWG if Autodesk considers them “non-competitive”, such as the latest Illustrator. It’s a whole SDK allowing third-party to manipulate DWG files, incl. many private implementation details from Autodesk.

Hi Raphaël -
As far as I could find out, Rhino 7, going back to the first released 7.0 version, has always been unable to open that file. I’m afraid it doesn’t look like it will be possible to fix this. As you noted, Rhino 8 on Windows doesn’t have that issue.

We are still looking into a crash on Rhino 8 for macOS that is related to this DWG file.

Hi Wim
thanks for your response

Blockquote I’m afraid it doesn’t look like it will be possible to fix this

Ho damn, My boss encout more and more file whit this issue :S