Rhino 6.27 Installation Failed with Error Code 0

I am currently using Rhino 5, and trying to install Rhino 6. I kept getting this error when I tried to install Rhino 6. Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

What I have tried:
-Windows updates and reboot
-Turn off virus & threat protection
-Turn off firewall
-download offline installation package
-change download path

None of these worked. Anyone can help? Thanks.

Error code 0 generally means “unknown cause”…

What is your OS? Are you sure it is completely up to date (all Windows updates and bug fixes)?

Im using Windows 10. Im sure that it is up to date, I just checked.

OK, well here are the instructions for an ‘error code 0’ occurrence:


(I think the log file may end up on your desktop after a failed install, but in any case the link to it is on the error screen in your first post above)