.rhi plugin installation not working

So, I found the RhinoGears plugin on Github, and downloaded the latest release. I opened Rhino, dragged the .rhi file over and went through the installation process, which claims to have installed the plugin just fine, but it’s not actually installed at all. It put 0 files in the plugins directory and it’s not listed in my plugins list at all. I thought it might be a permissions issue, so I ran Rhino as admin, but when I do that, it will not even let me open the rhi file at all.

I’m guessing this is probably an issue with the plugin, so I reported an issue (haven’t heard anything yet), but I just wanted to check if maybe I am doing something wrong or if there is some special procedure to get this working. Aside from the plugins that come with Rhino, this is the first one I’ve tried.

I tried manually installing by creating a folder in the Plug-ins folder and extracting the python files out of the rhi file, but that doesn’t work either.

Is there a different parametric gear plugin out there that actually works?

Do you have Rhino5 or Rhino6?
Maybe it’s a compatibility issue.

I have 5 for Windows. I tagged my post as Rhino 5, but I don’t see where that is actually displayed on my post. I grabbed the plugin from the dev’s github (https://github.com/cesarvandevelde/rhino-gears/releases).

If it was a compatibility issue, I expect it either wouldn’t run or would throw an error about compatibility, however, seeing as it currently tells me it installs correctly when it doesn’t actually do anything, tells me there probably isn’t any error or version checking going on at all.

Hi Keith - did you contact the developer of the plug-in?


Hi Pascal, I did report the issue on his github, as I mentioned above. Haven’t seen a reply yet.