RH8 - sidebar visibility toogle

Hello, i think i have next bug…?
If i use toggle for sidebar visibility and use “import layouts” then “toggle” automatically close window with explorer too…
Or is this standard behavior?

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Nothing for this issue?
Ok, i have new one…

Hello- I see this, thanks.
RH-79577 Containers: Auto hide is too strong
RH-79578 Containers: Autohide refresh glitch

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Quick tangent as I couldn’t find this info elsewhere on the forum. What screen capture program are you using to record that video?

ScreenToGif :wink:

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Great, thank you. Back to your thread.

Is there a way to trigger the Sidbars with a hotkey?
I dont like this Auto-Hiding to much, and would prefer to define hotkeys-
a bit like in Blender… T-panel and N-panel

Hi J -

You can assign the ToggleLeftSidebar and/or ToggleRightSidebar commands to a keyboard shortcut.


Thanks Wim!
very cool- works great, now I have the question is there a way to assign hotkeys that are not predefined in the options?
With those predefined, I can not assign single keys like “N” or “T”
Is there a way ?

Yes, you can asign arbitrary letter in aliases :wink:

Yes, but with aliases you need to hit Enter when finished typing to run them.

Yes, you’re right - i am using right mouse button instead “enter” - it’s faster…

is there no way around? like there is in scripting/macros?

No, Rhino does not have single letter hotkeys - there have been many discussions about this.

I just sent a crash report. I have the “Recently used” toolbar as a floating toolbar inside my viewport. However, when I run the ToggleRightSidebar command, the Properties panel opens with TWO copies of the “Recently used” toolbar on top. Seems like there is some conflict. Once I close the upper and the lower copy of that toolbar (now being part of the Properties panel for some weird reason), Rhino 8 crashes. This happens every few times when I try to close those two.

Last year I proposed an intuitive solution in this topic:

There is a bug with the ToggleRightSidebar. When I make the Properties panel floating and run this command, it will not switch the former on and off. Instead, that will expand and hide the vertical tab bar on the right side of the screen. This way, the user can’t use a floating Properties panel in a convenient way with that command.

Well, despite that confusion, the ToggleRightSidebar command actually does exactly what its name suggests. But since the goal is to toggle the Properties panel itself, maybe we need a new command called TogglePropertiesPanel? :smiley:

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Although not technically a Hotkey, I think it should be possible if you have extra buttons on a mouse or other peripheral that could enact a macro or script containing the Enter keystroke.