Hi all,
I’m used to work with Rhino for Mac, got a new Job and I have to use Windows here.
I had customized my UI in Mac so everything you could see was just the View and nothing else. I did everything with the command prompt.
In Rhino for Mac there is a command !_ToggleLeft/RightSidebar which I couldn’t find in Windows.
This was a very easy way to show and hide the left and right sidebars if needed, once I set up aliases ‘x’ and ‘y’ for that.
I am really missing this feature in Rhino for Windows.
Is there anything I could do to get this feature? Might there be a plugin?
Hi Julian - you can do something like this for the main sidebar - first you’ll need to remove the sidebar setting from the top toolbars in their Properties (right click a tab).
Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but your macro only toggled sidebar on the left (buttons) for me, but didn’t work for Properties, Layers, etc. sidebar:
oh ok, my reading comprehension continues to decline thanks for confirming that toggling both panels is possible in Rhino 8 with a button - could it be invoked with a command or shortcut as well? I’m currently stuck on version 7 anyway, but if that worked, that would be one more good reason to make the switch