Toggle / Hide Sidebar Windows

Hi all,
I’m used to work with Rhino for Mac, got a new Job and I have to use Windows here.
I had customized my UI in Mac so everything you could see was just the View and nothing else. I did everything with the command prompt.

In Rhino for Mac there is a command !_ToggleLeft/RightSidebar which I couldn’t find in Windows.
This was a very easy way to show and hide the left and right sidebars if needed, once I set up aliases ‘x’ and ‘y’ for that.

I am really missing this feature in Rhino for Windows.
Is there anything I could do to get this feature? Might there be a plugin?


Hi Julian - you can do something like this for the main sidebar - first you’ll need to remove the sidebar setting from the top toolbars in their Properties (right click a tab).

! _-Toolbar _Group "Default" _Toggle "Main" _Enter _Enter _Enter


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Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but your macro only toggled sidebar on the left (buttons) for me, but didn’t work for Properties, Layers, etc. sidebar:

That’s what Pascal said it would do…

However, McNeel have added sidebar visibility toggle buttons at each end of the status bar in Rhino 8, one for the left sidebar and one for the right.


oh ok, my reading comprehension continues to decline :sweat_smile: thanks for confirming that toggling both panels is possible in Rhino 8 with a button - could it be invoked with a command or shortcut as well? I’m currently stuck on version 7 anyway, but if that worked, that would be one more good reason to make the switch

Yes, R8 commands are _ToggleLeftSidebar and _ToggleRightSidebar

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V8 also has new little icons in the bottom corners of the left and right containers that toggle them open/collapsed.

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