Rh-6 : How do I get my Ground Plane shadows to SHOW?

Rh 6 : How do I get DEFAULT Shadows settings back AND how do I get them to SHOW at the objects casting the shadow , in RENDERED mode Viewport ?

As you can see in pic 2 , I DO have Shadows turned ON .

Pic 1 is in RHINO RENDER , easily sufficient for MY needs ,
pic 2 is NATIVE Render mode Viewport .

Thanks !

Hello- impossible to say without a file - please replace the objects with boxes if need be, and save a copy of your file and post it here.


Pascsl - Hi !!
No , I wasn’t asking you to debug , I WAS asking what the settings would be to correct the situation where shadows are NOT appearing on a transparent ground plane with “SHADOWS ONLY” checked , Viewport “Shadows” enabled , and object “Cast Shadows” turned on .
ALSO - I’m considering that somehow RENDER using “Render Viewport Settings” setting somewhere , OR Render Viewport “Use Render Settings” setting elsewhere - MIGHT be interfering .

The file isn’t SMALL , but I WOULD be happy to share , as I’m doing this for my OWN work , and am free to share . The file is BIG tho , so I’ll need to do some finagling … .

Suggestions ?

Thanks !!

I made a new file, turned on GroundPlane and assigned a dark green paint to it.
I drew a box, and put the viewport into a Rendered working display mode.
The shadow shows:

Excellent , Thanks !
John -
Hi ! GREAT to “hear” from you !
to it :
Ok , YOURS works , as does MINE , in other model files .
What I’m WANTING is a setting I REALLY liked in RH-5 , where when you turned the ground plane ON and selected show “Shadows Only” it would turn the ground plane on (:+1:) and show shadows ONLY , as indicated in the attached pic .
I’m HAPPY to learn what my mistake is .
The “background” image is a “picturefame” pic inserted behind the model , as I was unsuccessful applying a “background” , but the flat pic ( on a curved plane ) kinda works so … .
I CAN upload the file as I’m doing this for my own work , but HOPE to share if this bevomes appropriate … .
To send you the file - do I need to manually “pack” the Textures ?
I THINK I’ve set this , as a message appears that textures are being collected and packed , at saves .
ANY suggestions as to how I might upload my file ?
Am I missing an upload link , somewhere on this page ?
Sincerely - THANKS for any help toward clearing this up !

  • C .

We will need that troublesome model to figure it out.
Use this link and make a reference back to this topic URL in the comments.


John Hi ! I replied to your last email :+1:.
As mentioned in the “title” (?) to this question , I’m working in RH-6 :+1:.

What I’m HOPING for is to get
an invisible ground plane
that works ,
is invisible ,
receives shadows ,
and that the shadows START at the objects .
As you’ll see in the uploaded file (also Rh-6) I have the ground plane SET at World 0,0,0 , with the OFFSET at 0.
As far as I can TELL I’ve checked “all the right boxes” :wink: , and set the self-shadowing offset at 0.001 . As the default is 0.000001, my guess was that that exceeded the allowable tolerance set in the UNITS panel of the OPTIONS page ?

Shadows ONLY show up on the Ground Plane with “Shadows Only” UNCHECKED (?!?) but that has the shadows showing up on an opaque plane obscuring the background image behind the model .

John -
Sincerely ,
THANKS for any help you or your Team can offer -

  • C .

“Scene Lighting” -
ONE point light , above model . BEHIND background image pic :
(You CAN see some faint shadows inside , so Shadows: is working :+1:.)
NICE !! Shadow

“Scene Lighting”
Ground Plane On , shadows ON , “Shadows ONLY” selected :slight_smile:

Note the separation of the shadows FROM their objects , yet Self Shadowing is set to 0.001 (from the Default of 0.000001 - with no noticable difference) .

“Default Lighting”
ALL other settings unchanged :

Generally EXCELLENT results in RENDERED Mode Viewport .

Refer to the “RHINO - Render” pic above for SAME settings “RENDERED” . Its CLEAR that this SIMPLE renderer is EASILY adequate for my needs :+1:.

THANKS for ANY help on this you folks can offer !

  • C .

ANYTHING at all ??

hi @cfee Maybe you solved this already, otherwise I will have a look. The only problem is that currently the file upload server is inaccessible.