Hi all, I have updated my Rhino.Inside with the latest version launched on the 15.1.2024. I am using Rhino 7 and Revit 2022.1. The Revit aware grasshopper components are not appearing when grasshopper is launched in Revit. What could be the issue? Thanks for your help
Any errors on loading? This could be a conflict with an Revit Plugin.
I haven’t heard of this issue in quite some time but a variable we should look into
Does Grasshopper print any messages to the Rhino prompt maybe about errors in loading
plugin? -
What happens if you drag drop this Grasshopper plugin onto the canvas? Does it load?
Can you verify this isn’t a plugin conflict with an existing Revit Addon?
One way to check is to hold Shift+Cntl and Start Rhino button in the Revit Rhino.Inside Ribbon, then select option 1. This will open a new instance of Revit with no other addins.
The Add-on folder is empty
there is no error message printed
What about %PROGRAMDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2022\RhinoInside.Revit\
? Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the files in the folder so we can confirm the installation copied files correctly?