using the “Resample texture” i cannot enter smaller values than 0.1 in the Radius field on Mac. On Windows i can enter values like 0.001 without problems.
When changing values from the Texture tab and the texture, which i edited, is assigned to eg. a decal, the decal displayed in the viewport does not update unless i select/unselect the object with the decal. This happens on Mac and Windows.
Hi @maxsoder, could you please add the same fix to Rhino 8 WIP (Windows) ? I’ve just noticed that 0.01 is the smallest i can enter which is quite a lot of blur if the texture is larger than 1024px.
This is good information. The second last line that starts with “5 oldvalue”, means that there are 5 decimals in the value 0.00125. This is correct, but it seems that it only works with comma on your system.
the Resample texture shader in Rhino 8 (8.0.23066.13185, 2023-03-07) seems to be partially broken. Please try this to repeat the issue:
Create a new custom material
Click to add a new bitmap texture to the Color slot
Do not choose a bitmap, instead choose the Resample texture shader
Choose a 1024x1024 px image for it (wait for a long time)
Set the U Divisions to image size, 1024 (wait for a long time)
Set the V Divisions to image size, 1024 (wait for a long time)
Set the max samples value to 1 (wait for a long time)
Enable the Blur checkbox (wait for a long time)
Set the Blur type to Triangle (wait for a long time)
Change the radius to a value of 0.02 (wait for a long time)
Enable Wrap U checkbox (wait for a long time)
Enable Wrap V checkbox (wait for a long time)
In the Mapping properties, change the Repeat values to 2 (wait)
Enable Rendered Display mode (wait for a very long time)
The result is that the tiling (Repeat) is not changing in the viewport. Changing the Repeat values in the Bitmap / Mapping slots also does not change the texture display, it remains untiled. Changing Offset and Rotation has no effect either on the viewport.
Above process takes around 5 Minutes on my system, but i can see that the regeneration of the material uses all CPUs. I usually have to do this with textures applied for the displacement modifier which then generates another very long timeout to recompute.
Would’nt it be better to add the Blur feature to the Output Adjustment section of a Bitmap texture instead ? I mean without all the Resampling options and a proper integer intput for Blur radius & just the UV Wrap checkboxes.
This would save users a lot of time and remove unneccessary inputs / timeouts for re-generating the material on each change.
Using larger 4K to 8K images, it can be slightly frustating to blur a texture and find the proper blur radius because the value is in relation to the image size but not in pixels.
Hey, in step 2 instead of choosing bitmap texture directly choose resample texture. It doesn’t make sense to put one inside a bitmap texture.
Anyway, further I have to say I don’t understand the resample texture so I can’t really help otherwise. I’ll let @maxsoder investigate and log bugs if necessary.
Are there other UI related issues? I also do not have a lot of knowledge about the resample texture, but if I understood correctly the problem is that it is super slow to use?