Request for Expanded Line Type Options in Rhino

We frequently receive requests from RhinoLands users who, due to organizational or country-specific regulations, require a broader range of line types than what is currently available in Rhino. Many of these line types are standard in other CAD tools and are essential for enabling users to develop projects entirely within Rhino, from base design to detailed documentation.

To illustrate the variety of line types in demand, here is an example of a comprehensive table showing the required line types:
Line Type Table Example (see the table at the end of the page).

I hope some of these line types can be included in Rhino 9.

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Hi Elham,

You will be happy to hear this is in the works for Rhino 9. @eirannejad


FWIW, this is the YT item:
RH-29232 Complex SHP Linetypes (2d Linetypes wish)

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