Repeated V8 Crashes

I have clicked to sent several Rhino 8 “Send to McNeel” crash reports.

Sometimes I only get the Sent to Apply Option (I would have included that but it’s too large to post)

These crashes are happening when I am not doing anything. The appear to be the result of some background thread. I can’t make go more than 5 minutes without a crash doing this.

The only thing new I have been working with layouts.

I’ve found a repeatable crash tonight. A little different from what I had encountered before (autosaving?)

  1. Open file (Uploaded to support site). Go to the large 8.5x58 layout and edit.

2. Copy the “P” as shown:

  1. Save


Thank you for sending in the crashreports. I believe the two you sent in around six hours ago are what @jeff is looking into at the moment.

One oddity. I tried importing the file into the a new file. The large, 8.5x58 layout did not import but the smaller layouts did import.

I created a new 8.5x58 layout in the new file and the crashes started again.

Thanks @miano,

Got the crashes and 3dm file…

The crash is happening during an AutoSave (triggered by MacOS), and specifically when Rhino starts to create the thumbnail of the active view that then gets embedded into the .3dm file…Unfortunately, it doesn’t make it very far, but I’m having a hard time figuring out why.

I’ve tried repeating the problem here, but can’t. I wait for the AutoSave to fire, and I land on the exact line of code where things crash, but continuing on does not produce a crash. I’ve tried this in Debug and Release versions of Rhino…still no luck.

Can you tell if it’s specific to which Layout view is active, or can it be any of the ones in your file? Is it specific to zoom levels (i.e. what’s currently visible in the view may matter)? Is Rhino still the top level app when it crashes, or have you started working in another app? Have you noticed the time it takes before Rhino crashes (i.e. Is it 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc…), the reason being, it’s possible several AutoSaves have already taken place, or it’s possible this happens on the first AutoSave.

Those types of things may help isolate the reproducibility of this issue, which will be a huge help in fixing this issue.

Thanks for all the feedback and patience.


  1. I’ve only seen the crash while the big layout is open.
  2. Zoom does not appear to have an effect
  3. Rhino is the active application during the crashes.
  4. I don’t have an exact time. Probably 3-4 minutes.

Thanks @miano!

Found it…fix will be in next SR.
