Rendering material not loading in referenced file

I have a file referenced on another file.
It is already annoying that you cannot change the layer material of the referenced file locally… (or the color, or the thickness of the layers) - I have explained elsewhere why that totally beats the point of having referenced files, on which my work really depends on. (I haven’t test this in Rhino8 yet).

It is even more annoying that when I change the material of the original file and update the reference it also does not update the materials. I need to close down the file where the file is referenced and re open it for the updated layer settings to take effect.

Why is this happening…?

Hello- so, if I understand, Update in the worksession dialog, of the changed file, does not update the changed material as it updates other changes, is that correct?


I haven’t worked with worksession for decades. I work with referenced blocks.
My complaint is that:
(one) you cannot change the materials of referenced blocks
(two) when you change the material on the original file, updating the reference in Block Manager is not enough, you need to reopen the file where the blocks are.

I’ve had similar problems. I thought the “active” and “reference” states of linked files were intended to help here. I think in principle they are a good idea, but never worked for me sufficiently.