So it looks like the Render display mode is not honoring image rotation -actually it looks like it’s rotating the image 180. (Screen shot and rendering for comparison) Am I doing something wrong or is this an issue?
So it looks like the Render display mode is not honoring image rotation -actually it looks like it’s rotating the image 180. (Screen shot and rendering for comparison) Am I doing something wrong or is this an issue?
Hi TomC,
Can you post the 3dm file please and let me know if you are using any rendering plugin? Drag and drop a 3dm file into the post after clicking the image upload icon.
Here’s the file and texture if that helps. I’m just using the default Rhino Renderer (no plugins).
Arrow-test.3dm(85.8 KB)
Thanks TomC, I filed this as RH-20309 but this report is not publicly visible at the moment. A work around right now is to use the rotation values in the texture mapping options for the selection in object properties instead of the material editor.
Ok, Thanks Brian