Removing extra points on plane

Hi everyone.
I’m new to rhino and grasshopper as I was using dynamo for revit but since ladybug is no longer supported, I just got Rhino Inside.
I managed to place planes for my elements to receive radiation upon but some planes got 2 points and some others got 1. (My goal is to have one point so I can return the values from Ladybug back to the elements, but ofcourse the lists are messed up due to unmatching number of points/lists/results)

Is there a smarter way to solve this? Am I over complicating it?

Hej Max -

That is very hard to tell from just a few pictures.
Note that issues related to the Ladybug Tools are best handled on their forum -

If your problem can be reduced to non-LBT components, you could attach your reduced .gh file here but always list the 3rd party plug-ins that are used in the definition.

Hi, Wim

Thank you for replying, I will reach out LB community first as suggested.
Much appreciated for your time.