My aim is to reduce a large mesh that is made up of an array of joined pyramids, totalling over 4.5 million vertices. I can reduce it to ~750k, but in doing so I loose the vertex colors. So the question is how to cull/weld these overlapping vertices (or rebuild the mesh) while keeping the mesh vertex colors intact.
So far, I’ve tried several approaches, but I keep hitting snags:
Kangaroo2 (Clean & Combine), MeshEdit (Cull Unused Vertices) and Pufferfish (Rebuild Mesh) and Nautilus (Weld the Vertices of a Mesh) - Successfully reduce vertices, but they strip the vertex colors from the output mesh.
WeaverBird (Join Meshes and Weld) - Reduces the vertices, and keeps the vertex colors but messes them up when vertices are welded.
I’ve attached a small portion of the mesh as a GH file to illustrate the setup. Has anyone had success with similar projects or know a method/tool that can merge overlapping vertices while preserving vertex colors? (92.3 KB)
Any advice or tool recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I don’t need grasshopper for this, a rhino command is fine, it’s just that i am more familiar with it gh than plain Rhino
PS: I cannot to back to the source file to see if I can somehow rebuild it differently.
there was some discussions on face Coloring but I didn’t test that. Perhaps @AndersDeleuran could help on this subject. Keeping vertex color seems to be a bad idea here because color will be mixed. but its is doable.
What I can propose is for you to transform the color to a bitmap texture.
That’s not possible, as far as I know. One must unweld all vertices in order to color faces without them “bleeding” into each other (which is now a lot faster at least, but also your mesh is already unwelded). This was partly the issue explored in the topic@laurent_delrieu linked to above, maybe going through that can help clear up some misunderstandings. Also, before checking your mesh I quickly slapped this together from your old topic and this one, demonstrating methods discussed:
Here’s a quick Rhino 8 version. The threading seems to work quite a bit faster, or maybe that’s the NETCore performance boost. And the mesh face coloring is now about three times faster on my system… very niiiiice: