I am trying to rebuild a wing from a mesh that I converted to a closed polysurface and repaired.
Can`t really split the mesh to do molds so I need to rebuild the whole wing to get a really good surface for mold building.
I`ve done cutplanes and created sections to redraw the upper and the lower curves with control point curves, matching them by eye.
Plan to copy the resulting curve and match it to every section then do the same with the leading edge and trailing edge curve until I can build the upper and lower surface from a network of curves.
Is there any better/faster/professional way to do that?
ribsandwing2.3dm (14.4 MB)
This is another Surface from Mesh task, with even stricter boundary conditions.
I once developed a blade plugin, allow the construction of such surfaces by givin two profile (planar intersections of the mesh) and the mesh: seethe application to your data:
RRBlade-WingReconstructed-from-Mesh.3dm (248.3 KB)
If anyone is interested in this kind of plugin please give me a notice.
The solution provided would give you easy access to the mould partitions lines because you can split the surface at iso-lines.
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Sounds cool.
I have now done it manually and get very good results (checked with point deviation against the poly surface…all within 0.02mm). It’s also great that I can easily adjust the thickness of the trailing edge that way. Just some section curves missing on the ends and building the fuse connection.
What kind of wing is that if I may ask?
please clarify: what do you mean with ‘kind of’ ? The solution provided samples intersection profile to a common knot vector, prepared to respect the high curvature regions to gain ‘strak’ like directions on the wing surface, then ‘pulls’ the surface to the mesh to get a closer fit.
do you have a high quality/high resolution version of the mesh too?
No I don’t.
The wing of an airplane? Mine is a surffoil wing.
so you digitized and existing design and want to reproduce it?
Or is it you own desing optimized by CFD analysis?
It’s an existing file that I want to build. Just a fun project.