I’m working on a large, complex aviation project in Revit and coordinating some design work with my team using Rhino. Currently I’m running regular .dwg exports from a 3D view and “Export views on sheets and links as external references” turned on so that each discipline gets exported separately. I then use the “BatchConvertAutoCAD” script that someone posted on these forums long ago to batch convert to .3dm. It works great, except for one thing.
The file that I’m exporting from gets exported as a .dwg but includes all of the links as Xrefs in that .dwg. So, the primary file looks to be reasonably sized in file explorer but actually attempts to load the entire set of Xrefs when I open it in Rhino, which causes the file to lock up since it’s such a large project.
Is there a way to open or convert a .dwg file to a .3dm without including the Xrefs? I understand this question could maybe be better answered on the Revit side with some of the various export options, but thought someone might be able to answer it here too.