Raytrace difficulties


Not sure what you mean about how I save it to disk? I select ‘browse’ and then use the MacOS dialogue to choose the location.

They are saved on a NAS.

Incidentally, another bug that has existed all the way through the V6 WIP and still exists:

The cancel button when doing a viewcapturetofile doesn’t work. You can click it as many times as you like to no effect.

You can tap Esc key and that similarly has no effect.

I discovered yesterday that Apple key + . (Old school Apple shortcut there!!) works immediately.

I meant if you were using viewcapturetofile or instead using the WIP you can run _render and then save from the Rhino render interface, but if you are running V6 the only option is the one you’re using.

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I am unable to reproduce the issues myself, but I asked a coworker on a Mac with AMD GPU to try and he was able to reproduce.

I have created https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-59380 to track this issue.


Thanks for looking into this.

I had one where it was only part of the image. Perhaps a different issue? See here:

Given the description in you track, it sounds like if I set cycles to use the CPU instead of the GPU it might avoid the problem?

Another thing, with the previous image I posted (that had a small amount of transparent background but was otherwise black), I’ve restarted my machine and it has now rendered OK.

No, the screenshot you saw in the description was made on a Rhino WIP build - in Rhino WIP there is no GPU support for Cycles at the moment, all pure CPU.

The OpenGL part is what happens to have stuff shown in the viewport. Raytraced doesn’t do anything about that, it just provides the results to the underlying pipeline whenever a new pass has been rendered. The pipeline, built on OpenGL, does its thing to put that in a framebuffer and show it - or in the case of ViewCaptureTo* save it to file.

Am I right in thinking then that an issue such as this will be worked on and resolved but only for v7? Are we at the end of SRs for v6?

I don’t know. I assigned the issue to @stevebaer to get started. I reported this as affecting both 6.x and 7.x, but it’ll be up to him to decide where this goes.

Is this a regression? I can’t tell if this used to work and was broken recently or if it has always been broken

I don’t know I’m afraid. I’m pretty sure it existed in v6 WIP but whether it was fixed in the intervening period I’m not sure.

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A post was split to a new topic: Raytraced differences v6 vs rhino WIP