Random parametric facade

just to play I gave a look to make a definition. I don’t answer your last question but I think my beginning of solution could a=handle that.
So the first thing is to cut your facade in elongated rectangles. I didn’t do that and reuse something I have done some time ago.

I reuse that

For a proportion of rectangles I draw a bottom and upper curve with 7 points.

There is a parameter in X for this curve.
The height of this curve is taken with the use of a random parameter. I used Random noise but you could use whatever you want, Perlin noise, Simplex noise, Image Sampler.
Then thes curves are lofted, merged
Et voilà
There are many variants possible. It was just an example, be creative.

Script for Rhino 6 GH1.0
Dallas Museum of Nature And Science.gh (135.7 KB)