Random parametric facade

Hello guys!

I am new to grasshopper and i am trying to understand its philosophy so i have stucked on something i trying to model.

I have a curved wall in which i want to model a facade like in the photos below. I have spent three days trying to model it but the only way i thought is to use an image sampler ( i know that is a stupid way and possibly wrong but i am lacking in knowledge)

I have watched a lot of tutuorials in order to adapt any technique to my current problem but i cant find any solution.

I know that may be a time_consuming topic for someone to help me but i would appreciate a lot some help.!

Perot.3dm (1.2 MB)

thank you in advance!

It is always better to give informations, sources, name of project …
Some documentation on “Morphosis” Museum of Nature Science

Thank you very much for your help. You are right i should refer some reference of the building project.

So i had a look to the documentation you sent me and i think that i have to model some pattern prototypes and use box morph in order to adapt them on my surface using a specific way to organize them.

In this case how is it possible the geometry (pattern_bounding box) which is at the point that my wall change its direction and has this curvature to adjust the curvature of the wall.

thank you

just to play I gave a look to make a definition. I don’t answer your last question but I think my beginning of solution could a=handle that.
So the first thing is to cut your facade in elongated rectangles. I didn’t do that and reuse something I have done some time ago.

I reuse that

For a proportion of rectangles I draw a bottom and upper curve with 7 points.

There is a parameter in X for this curve.
The height of this curve is taken with the use of a random parameter. I used Random noise but you could use whatever you want, Perlin noise, Simplex noise, Image Sampler.
Then thes curves are lofted, merged
Et voilĂ 
There are many variants possible. It was just an example, be creative.

Script for Rhino 6 GH1.0
Dallas Museum of Nature And Science.gh (135.7 KB)


Thank you very much for your help. It is very usefull for me

I appreciate it a lot.

No problem, It was interesting, so I wanted to test some ideaq.
For me 3 steps :

  1. Divide your facade in rectangles
  2. Choose what rectangle will have a shape
  3. Make then 3d with some noise

For the 1) if you can join all facade elements in one pseudo surface you will then be able to paramatrize in UVW, the work in UVW and remap everything at the end.

If you want more answers from the forum post the parts where you have difficulties.

A vray render.

For the record, there are others uneven subdivisions


This last script has holes but there is less regularity and it is fast !

rectangle packing.gh (14.5 KB)
C# version : rectangle_packing_LEGACY.gh (22.8 KB)

If you want less space between rectangle, change the 10.0 to 100 for example
n_steps = Math.Floor(baseWidth / min_width * 10.0) + 1