R8 - Silhouette Lines - Corners Do Not Meet?


Is there a setting I can enable to have silhouette lines meet at the corners smoothly?

Currently the lines seem to trace over the objects edges and “intersect” at the vertices but there’s no smooth transition and a small gap is left.

My desire would be that there is no gap, similar to how the outline/stroke function works in Illustrator and Photoshop where the line “rounds” the corner.

Is this one of those things that seems easy but is actually challenging to implement? Perhaps I’m overlooking a setting?

Any leads are appreciated, thank you!

Zoomed out:



Thank you!

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Is this just a display thing, or are you using a command to extract the silhouettes?

Linetypes have a Cap style and Join style option…

Yes this is a known issue, I added this thread
RH-79936 Display: Silhouette corners appear broken

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@Helvetosaur , not command here just a modified Monochrome Display Mode with silhouettes enabled.

@martinsiegrist thanks Martin! I do have the same settings you show in the dialog. I’m not sure if the Model Linetypes effect the silhouettes? Though that could be cool to be able to specify which linetype you want for edges, silhouettes, intersection lines, etc.

@Gijs understood, thanks for adding and letting me know!

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