R8 - Leader Text Frames - Gap from Line to Frame

leader frame gap test.3dm (140.8 KB)

Is there a way to close the gap between the leader line and the text frame (so have the leader line terminate at the frame), without also changing the text gap for regular dimensions?

With experimentation, I was able to find that the gap directly correlates with the Text Gap setting of the Annotation Style.

Is the best solution to have one annotation style for dimensions and one for leaders?

(McNeel team - thank you for your patience with the uptick in questions I’ve posted of late)

Is there any way (or anything in the works) to be able to control the gap between the leader line and the text frame?

Hi Scott -

There aren’t currently any plans to add an extra setting for this to the annotation styles. For the time being, you’ll have to use two different styles.

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I can make that work for now. Thanks Wim!