How do I change the space between a leader and its text?

Can’t figure this one out! There’s currently a huge gap between the leader line in my notes , and the text attached to it (close to 1/2" at paper scale).

I’ve gone through all the annotation parameters and for some reason can’t figure out how to reduce this gap. I’m sure it’s easy, but the link below doesn’t seem to indicate it either.

EDIT: If I click the “draw frame around text” checkbox, then I can use “Mask margins” to set the distance. But when I click it off again, it goes back to its 1/2" distance.

Hi Matthew - see if adding a ‘Landing’ looks better:


Thanks! Yeah, I tried changing the landing as well, but that only affects the length of the flat part of the leader, not the gap.

This is with the landing at 0.00.

Hi Matthew - can you post a simple example file that looks bad?

I see your image - can you export that thing and post the file?


And this is with the landing at 0.3.

Thanks! Here’s a file that shows the problem. Could be a scaling issue? The project is in metric though I typically work in Imperial (US-based architect).
PVA_test.3dm (3.3 MB)

Hi Matthew - set this number -


Ah! Thank you! I knew it was something obvious—but I was looking with the leaders and the dims themselves, rather than at the font.