R7 Mac - UV editor not showing texture (Rough Cut Plank)

When working with this file, the UV editor started acting weird, and then after several restart etc. the editing square did not show.
I did a _Bend to the render-meshes at the end of the plank.
Maybe that was a bit too much to ask, or is it a bug?

anyways I cant get the UV editor square to open now. Perhaps someone can have a look?


Hans Henrik


Hm - here as well… not sure yet what is going on…

@ohlers - try unwrapping again with the seams like so:

Does that sort it out?


I tried a new file, and did the same workflow.
I think I found the error:
in order to bend the end-cap mesh, i did a subdivision on it first.
I dont think the editor likes that…

Any other ideas how to get that smiley shape on the end cap render-mesh?
this shape makes a nice look from the two wood-colors in the grain of the plank.
(If i can get it to work :slight_smile:

But besides from that, the aim is to get a realistic variation on the lines in the wood grain.
I found out I could just turn on the controlpoints on the render-mesh and nudge them around, to get at nice variation in the rendered texture. Really cool :+1:

how do you unwrap , controlling the seams?

It works fine , If I do not subdivide the render mesh…
But still, it would be cool, If I could subdivide/bend it… Then I could get that curvature in the end cap grain of a rough cut plank, all from the same texture file.

The Unwrap command -



thanks a lot ! So its better to unwrap first, and then open the UV-editer?

How would you edit those end cap meshes, so I can bend them? (see post#3)

Hi Hans – if I understand, you can turn on and edit the points for the mesh, or bend etc in the UV editor as I think you already tried.


yes, but this particular bit of mesh is not possible to bend, because of the way the faces are lined up:
there is only control points on the curved edges, the straight edges have no controlpoints/division.

Is there a way to subdivide the unwrapped mesh, so the UV-editor can handle it?
ROUGH CUT PLANK 2.3dm (2.9 MB)

Ah - you can adjust the render mesh - make sure ‘Simple planes’ is not checked in the custom settings:


Super ! Thanks a lot !

Uhh - I found this : Procedural wood textures

theres a manual in the download

Im gonna try this out :slight_smile: