UV Editor shows my object but does not show the texture

Sometimes in Rhino 8 when using the UV Editor the different surfaces of my object are in the window but not the texture so I cannot adjust what part of my texture I want to see on a surface.

hi @Joe_Neill if that happens, pls save the sample and send it for inspection. Large/confidential files can be uploaded here. Also, run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results, thanks.

Will do.

SysInfo.txt (12.7 KB)

RhinoMap.3dm (5.7 MB)

I sent you my file and sys info. I just realized that the problem(?) is when the texture application is on a “box” and not a “surface”.

@Joe_Neill this is what I see on a box:

What do you get on a surface/ on a box?

Perhaps I haven’t explained correctly the problem. My texture appears on my box without a problem. The problem is when I open the UV editor to reposition the texture on the box sides I don’t see the texture in the editor only the linear drawings of each side. Thus I can’t tell where I am changing the form in relation to the texture pattern.

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Does this help?
Using the “repeat texture” checkbox:

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Bravo, yes.
Thank you

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