Python/Grasshopper/Rhino Spreadsheet

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to organize and simplify things for the projects that have a lot of pieces. Basically, if I have a bunch of objects in the same shape but with variable sizes, I’d like to organize them based on a set of parameters through Grasshopper and Document User Text then export them into a rhino sheet. I’ve made some progress using other Python scripts I’ve found on here ( One Text Object for every List Element - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum), I just don’t know enough to figure it out. could anyone point me in the write direction?


Python Spreadsheet Test.3dm (229.1 KB)
Python Spreadsheet (254.8 KB)

Hi Sethaba,

Take a look at the Elefront plugin, this will allow you to reference Rhino objects, assign user texts and filter by various criteria.

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