Project Curves on Surface based on surface plan

Hi Everyone
I am trying to project curves or points on surface based on surface plan.
please advice .
Best regards

Surface (17.1 KB)

hey i hope this does to job one solution for projection on the surface it self other and one for planes

Surface (37.2 KB)

Hi Pejo.

Thanks very much for your help but my goal is a bit diferent here. While projecting the point or curve that should be slightly off axis due to slope of the one’s below. Its like a sticker taken of the ground and stick it under sloped slab. see image below for better understating. Many Thanks

i am still not sure if i understood you correctly but do you want to achoive this?
otherwise an elevation of the angles and slopes you are aiming for probably would be helpfull

Surface (55.3 KB)

HI @Pejo Thanks Very much for your help and really appriciate. i will check and see if it will solve the issue but just for clarity is the squares shown at bottom are base plates of Railing post and the surface shown at top where i need projection is Barrier Top. when directly projected by Z (depends on hight from zero) the plates shifting away slightly of the line due to fall slope of barrier top surface.So it bit tricky since last some days i am looking/searching and watching youtube videos to get a solution to how to project/Orient/Wrap the plates on top surface of barriers. while their slope distance maintained by their center to center then distance at plan. I want to maintain the plan spacing on surface slope.
I hope you understood my intentions. See image.
Again Thanks very much for time.

@mainisl2 maybe you’re looking for the sporph? Similar to @Pejo I’m not 100% sure I follow, however since you mention ‘orient/wrap’ my first thought was doing it via sporph:
Surface (24.5 KB)

Also I had no clue what this meant, lol - my bad for popping into this topic none of my business :sweat_smile:

Hi @René_Corella Thanks alot for help.

sure its good to discuss. as the dot reflected on above image is like what you look at from top while see a bit slip of axis. see image for clarity below.
Blue is correct values but above Red are wrong. should be similar to the Blue while going on slope.

dimensions seem pretty similar to me :man_shrugging:t5:

Ohh. i have not checked this way but was looking at Plan comparing both lower and top curves to see if the top one was slightly shifted to make a difference due to slope.
Thanks very much @René_Corella @Pejo for your time and help and really appreciate.
Best Regards.

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just to make sure what shall be achived i wrote a new script based on a single curve - if this is the geometry/rule you are aiming for we can transfer it to your input curves and surfaces

Surface (93.1 KB)

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would recommend moving your geo closer to the origin. do you try to achive this with lines perpendicular to the top surfaces?

HI @Pejo its not working with that way. due to slope.

If I got it correctly:

  1. You have a flat Rail (i.e. a Curve in general) where ordered Geometry is placed (pair [orig to orig] distances - along the Rail - may or may not be the same).

  2. You have a Surface where you project your Rail as projRail.

  3. Starting, say from Geometry orig index 0 you want all the new Geo pairs along the projRail to have the same distance as in the Rail.

Up to that point it’s rather very easy. The question is: what sort of Transformation (usualy Plane To Plane) you want to use?

@PeterFotiadis Thanks for details. you got it right.
I have modeled Precast panels and want to move/Orient it along the curve at top as shown below.
@martinsiegrist Did helped earlier for modeling at top curve in best way but Rail post were later modeling issues there so i prefer to use simple method to model on zero and move it onto it positon as i explaind.
Thanks very much.

Deck.3dm (4.4 MB) (28.4 KB)

OK I’ll be back but right now is the Mexican F1 Q3 (forza Lewis).

So in fact you don’t want to project any Geomery: You have a Rail, and points (as Geom orig pts - be the Geom an Instance Definition, a Brep, a Cat, a Dog etc etc) . Then you want pts along the projected Rail (at distances as exposed above)
 and new Geometries using some Transformation.

Since I always solve something having the general case in mind (any Rail, any valid Surface) I’m asking again: what sort of Transformation you want? For instance and if you know what a Cross Product is 
 describe the desired target Plane definition (or make a sketch having ANY Rail and ANY Surface in mind).

 in real life there’s many other things to consider: for instance:

  1. If is possible (and/or rational) to “fit” the new Geometry in the Surface (excavations and the likes) . That’s requires some Plan B strategy and rules related with what placement is acceptable.
  2. If the Geometries are “connected” somehow (given, say, a Surface with rocks / obstacles etc etc). For instance imagine doing an Orsogril fensing: this obviously requires Geometries of different heights - due to pos to pos Z delta - since the Orso modules are rather standard (and placed always “horizontal”).
  3. blah, blah.

So that’s (general case) may be a mini MOO problem (not a big deal, mind).

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I hope this be explain what i need and looking for a solution. Thanks

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Got it aligned but also got too many extra breps. no idea see

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Hey @mainisl2,
I’m no longer making efforts to understand what’s going on in terms of the goal(s) because that’s less fun :stuck_out_tongue: - 'seems you’ve had to continuously re-explain - I think you could have started with more clarity from the start with your images. Anyway, as Peter points out you’ve never really wanted to project, and before he comes back from the races with some magic code, I looked at your stuff again (sorry) and notice some issues.
Check this (if you want to) to see if it helps with the orienting problems: (37.1 KB)