Project Curves on Surface based on surface plan

Hi @René_Corella Sincere apology for the confusion caused by intention to minimize others time and to get to the main point directly instead going from scratch. well i really appreciate and thankful for your time and efforts. i will check and see if this will workout.
Again thanks alot.
M.Ismail .

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Just fyi:
There seems to be some issues with the meshing of objects:

This improves a bit if you tweak render mesh quality in the Rhino options:

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This is rather silly but if you explode the breps and re-surface the faces Rhino likes it more:

Just make sure you join them again I guess.

Also please note this script and efforts are for Bridge modeling so direct vertical projections will not work from 0 plane upwards towards bridge vertical profile depends on it elevation height and vertical curve. it might be more than hundred meter up but also we cannot manipulate 0 point objects by raising them up closer to bridge designed curve. well that will impact the railings spacing.

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Lol - nevermind, maybe it’s my computer, that’s what I get for being nosy again:

Sure thing - thanks - I’m working on a bridge project soon so I’m learning from this stuff - I bet I’m destined to fail.

i can share any knowledge regarding that if needed but not GH sorry. Hehehe

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Anyway … the Transformation is still unclear to me.

Other than that get the attached (a 100% black box to you since it’s pure code) that does the plane to plane Trans using the projRail tangent projected to Plane.WorldXY - as vx - and the CrossProduct (tangent, global Z) - as vy. All that related with the planeTo List. The planeFrom is ALWAYS Plane.WorldXY (see where OEM geom is).

Pts/Planes on the flat rail are not required at all. (20.0 KB)

Note: all placed Geom pair pts are at Distance D along the projected Rail.

Note: In real life we always use Instance Definitions notably if the Geom is “complex” and N is big.

Note: so we don’t have any projection of position pts: we just have properly spaced (along) points, properly defined planes and a Transformation.

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Thanks @PeterFotiadis it not helpful either.

Oops the script came with typos: the group on the top is supposed to be titled “with profiles kept separate” referring to your two curves getting turned into the solids. I wasn’t sure if you meant to unify them or not.

Thanks it fantastic and clear but one thing is missing is the rail post. Most important item.

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It’s not that it’s missing - I saw it - I just didn’t do anything about it - I was just trying to clean things up a bit - you can apply same method to orient that guy.

What I mean is that in reality it doesn’t come in because you’re using some component I don’t have:

Maybe internalize it so it’s saved within the script for the purposes of uploading here.

Ohh sorry. it Elefront tools for blocks etc. i will do it now.

Deck with Post).gh (137.4 KB)

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Here you go:
Deck with Post).gh (139.4 KB)


Perfect. you got it. Thanks very much.

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Nice work @mainisl2 - show us what happens next!

Good luck.