I have a problem related to texts. I need to put Runic alphabets (an old Norse poem) to a surface. Case is that the regular western alphabets works fine, and so does Runics on Text object window. I can do all previews and settings for the text. But when pressing OK, the solid (or curves / surfaces) appears as squares. As if the program don’t understand the Runics. Problem occurs in every font. Runics works just fine with normal word / open office.
It sounds like you have the font files in your Windows font directory already if they are working in other apps. If I understand correctly, you are seeing the font correctly in the text object preview but not once it’s created.
What version of Rhino for Windows are you running and what service release? Please post any screenshots and 3dm files if you’re already on the last v5 service release and it doesn’t help.
I checked with the developers and the guess is that this font is “a symbol font with a charmap that isn’t handled right”. The v6 beta should work better with symbol fonts. Can you try it for comparison? The link is at the top of the forum.
My only other thought/work around is to create the curves in Illustrator and save as an AI file to send over to Rhino. If AI can use the font of course.
Beta worked fine with Runics. So basically I need to do one part of the job in the beta version in order to continue working in Rhino 5. Thank you for your help once more. Picture bellow is just a test.