Hello All,
I’m working in Visual Studio 2013, and Csharp, building off of the SampleCsModelessForm example by Dale Fugier, and I’ve run in to a strange configuration issue:
I can “run” my code, in “debugging” mode, rhino 5 fires up, and I type in samplecsmodelessform, and the command line doesn’t accept the command. the plugin hasn’t been loaded and the command doesn’t exist. If I try to drag and drop the .rhp file in to rhino to load the plugin, I get a very generic error that reads:
'Unable to load SampleCsModelessForm.rhp plug-in: initialization failed."
clicking on details doesn’t give me any further information.
the one thing i noticed is that the .rhp file doesn’t update when I build my solution. the “program debug database” does, but the .rhp file with the same name doesn’t.
any information or help would be extremely helpful, thank you.