Hello, I’m having trouble creating plan view, in version 2.0.15, I did the upate process of the plan view but the error persists. Any upate or solution to this problem?
Hi @bruno_flausino,
Can you please describe your problem with the plan view object?
If possible, can you please send us the model to visualarq@asuni.com?
thanks for the feedback. The simple object is any walls that create it simply does not generate the cut plane as in the picture. All other commands work normally and very well by signal but unfortunately this function nothing happens, it creates the drawing of the area but does not create the plane of the view
Hi @bruno_flausino according to the screenshot I’d dare to say the area defined for the plan view is out of the limits where these walls are placed (you can enable the control points on the Plan View object to check it out). But in order to make sure there isn’t any bug, please send the model to visualarq@asuni.com and we will check it out.