Hello, I’m new to Paneling Tools and Grasshopper in general.
I used the plug-in Ladybug to create a mesh with the Shading area needed for a outdoor location. The output can also be a surface. The next image shows the optimal shading area that came from the simulation:
But when I try to use it to make panels and the structure of the roof, the grid is not made correctly. It’s like the plug-in made the grid of a box around the geometry. I used the surface output or it, not the mesh.
Could I use the mesh output from the simulation to create a grid? Or am able to use the surface version of the output, with a mesh that follows the shape?
It is generally easier to create the paneling grid from curves or surfaces than from a mesh, but it is possible.
Can you attach the file (with the mesh) and the intended output you need (or a rough sketch of it) so we can help?
This problem of the grid extending beyond the surface happen when using the output surface of the simulation or another complex shape. When using a rectangle or similar shape, it does not happen.
Since getting a grid in the shape of this complex shape seems to be difficult, I’ve decided to manually draw a rectangle roughly the same area and shape of the output of the shading analysis, since that’s good enough too
But if you want to check what kind of surface had this problem, I uploaded it here: Canopy area grid.3dm (70.7 KB)